Friday, November 11, 2011


It's 11/11/11! I guess it's cool, right? I know everybody seems super excited about it. I'm not sure it's as cool as the attention it seems to be getting but what the hey. It's 11/11/11!

You wanna know why I'm super excited today? Most important it's a Holiday so no work for me! Wooo three day weekend! What did I do with my day off? I got 98% of my Xmas shopping done. Yeah, I'm that ahead of the game. That's something to be excited about.

Well today's picture is 11/11/11. I wasn't going to post anything about it but I'm a sucker for Doctor Who stuff so when I saw this on my wife's facebook page I had to post it. Again, I'm a sucker for Doctor Who stuff.

For those non Whovians, that's the Doctor. The eleventh Doctor...get it? eh, eh?

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe I didn't think of that Eleven/Eleven/Eleven representation.

    I'm so ashamed. :-/
