Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A funny little orange and not so cool white puma

I found this on my desk this morning. Uhhhh, this definitely rocked my face off. So what happened is my best ever secretary who moonlights as a zombie killing ninja party god left me an orange. Oranges are cool, I like oranges. As a side note, White Pumas are not cool. Not even close. Take that White Puma.

*For those keeping track. This is the first appearance of White Puma on my blog. I'm pretty sure it will not be the last. Maybe one day we may even see the White Puma but no promises, he is elusive.


  1. Best Post Ever.
    I'm excited for the misadventures of White Puma!

    1. Oh we all are excited for the misadventures of White Puma......except White Puma. He's too not cool to care.
