Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Doctor, Who gave this to me?

I got to work this morning and found an envelope in my mailbox. This book was left for me. It just said it was for me but didn't say who it was from. Who left it? Was it an office mate? Was it another extended co-worker? Was it the Doctor? Such a mystery! The only thing I do know is it's freaking awesome!
So this was worthy of a day off in ornaments but don't worry, more ornaments tomorrow.

Update! Update! Mystery solved. This piece of Doctor Who brilliance was given to me by none other than the awesometacular Alex Beck. Thinking back on it, it makes sense. Who else would give me something like this?


  1. This is the Dr Who I grew up with. I used to watch this guy and his scarf every day after school.

  2. Me too Susan. I remember watching it on Sunday nights. I don't think I always got what was going on though. haha
