Friday, November 2, 2012

Dare I even say its name?

It's been quite some time since I've said this but here it goes. White Puma. Yes, it appears White Puma is back. We've heard rumors from the outlying colonies that the White Puma has returned. Not only returned but is living in the colonies. This news came as a shock.

As mysteriously as White Puma appeared in our office, he disappeared. Without a trace he was gone. Some have said that he needed to take a dump and legend has it that, well, it just takes this long for the White Puma to dump. But how can that be? That doesn't even make sense. We became complacent in his absence. We forgot about him, the signs he leaves behind. We stopped looking. Then word came from the colonies and today we found this. 

Clearly somebody brought two cookie cakes and mauled one of them. Was it the White Puma? Signs point to yes! We noticed a Slim Jim close to the table. We became suspicious. Then we saw an empty bag of Doritos, We became alarmed. Finally, we saw two bottles of hair gel. We became convinced. White Puma is back. We must now keep our eyes open for evidence. Where will he pop up next? Who will he harass? Jason? Most likely but who else?

These are once again scary times in our office. I will keep you guys posted with further details.

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