Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ghost Update - October 5, 2011

It's been a while since anything has happened. Nothings been happening at all, at least six months. I think things are changing though. I've felt it the last week. Maybe it's all in my head. I'm not ready to say it's happening again.

Ok, so what am I talking about? My house of course. More specifically the possibility of a ghost in my house. So some background info and more background info. I really thought this was done, it's been so long. It still may be done, I don't know.  I've kinda felt a different vibe from the house this week. I've been a bit uncomfortable in all the spots I was before. I've heard a noise here and there but still nothing really out of the ordinary. Maybe my nerves are just frayed, I'm just on edge. September was a long month, maybe I'm just feeling it. But I've felt this before and usually that feeling went along with unexplained happenings around the house. Shoelaces tied together, maybe stuff moved around, hearing things.

So this morning I was taking a shower. From the shower looking out you can see the window in the bedroom. More than anything you can see the light from that window while taking a shower. During my shower I saw the light from that window get blocked out, I thought someone had come into the bathroom. At first I thought it was my wife but it couldn't be her because she was taking the girls to school. I looked out and saw why I didn't see the light from the window anymore. The door was almost closed. I know I didn't close it. I was getting ready at the sink before my shower and the door would have been in my way had I closed it.Further, seeing the light getting blocked out while in the shower would explain the door closing. I can say that door never closes on its own. Never has and I couldn't get it to again. It just doesn't do it. I took a picture of the door as I found it and then after I opened it. That's my picture for today. Hopefully I don't have any more updates for you as to this topic.

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