Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's Ok Jesus, I don't think it leaked...

Today was a very good day. My oldest daughter graduated kindergarten. There was a big show in the school's gym and after that a small reception. During the reception my daughter brought us into her classroom and we all looked around. She showed us cool toys and told us stories about different things in the classroom. After a few minutes she was pretty much just playing with her friends. That's when I spotted the most awesome Jesus picture I've seen in a long time.

There was no story or explanation with this picture so I feel obligated to make one up. So here it goes. I'm pretty sure these two kids spotted Jesus and believed him to be Santa Claus. Why else would jump on his lap? Jesus tried to correct them but they just kept asking for presents. That's when things got interesting. All of a sudden a smell arose out of nowhere. A smell that stopped little Jane in her tracks. She forgot about all those presents, she was only hoping that Santa would take the bad bad smell away. At that moment Jesus knew little Johnny had shit his pants. You can see the look on his face. Clearly he finds the humor in all of it. First they mistake him for Santa and then the kid shits his pants. Jesus is thinking why did I have to wear the white robe today, why? What else can he do but laugh. So that's what I think is happening here, I think I'm right.

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