Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thank You

Last night I reached another milestone with this blog. You wonderful people keep checking out what I post. It still surprises me everyday to see that you keep coming back.  It shouldn't surprise me anymore but it does. When I started this blog I assumed I'd get a few people wander in every so often and check it out. What I never expected was how many of you read it on a daily basis. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.....or at least your eyeballs. Doing this is so much more enjoyable knowing that you are out there reading the posts everyday.

Sooooooooo, with that said. Thank you for stopping in and checking out my little contribution to the blogging world. I can only promise more of the same but I have a feeling that's ok with all of you. Again, thanks for being so awesome. See you tomorrow.

Oh....You want a bonus picture? Uhhhh, ok. I guess I got something. Wait a second...Yes! I got it!
Here you go.

I'm not sure what this is exactly other than some random Japanese cartoon thing but I love it. I call the alligator, Alligator Pal and the other guy is Cardboard Box head. The cat is Kitty Loaf. I figure they are all super good friends.

I found these guys around the same time my oldest daughter was born. I drew them along with some other characters on the wall of Olivia's bedroom. My wife went back and painted them on. It was in our first house so we had to paint over it before we moved, that made me sad. I think I will always associate these guys with becoming a new dad. They bring back so many memories. I really like Mr. Cardboard box head, Alligator Pal and Kitty Loaf.

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