Saturday, May 14, 2011

Zombie Survival Thoughts

Because of the yesterday's success I wanted to post my thoughts here on my blog.  Looking back a year from now I'm sure seeing this will remind me of the epic Friday Poll that took place yesterday.  So here it is, My zombie disposal ideas.

Best weapon to take out a zombie

They got to do what's right for them, because it's their time! Up there! Down here it's our time.  It's my...our time down here.  That's all over the second I.... we ride up Troy's bucket.  Zombie Hunters never say die! Hmmm, I think I got something mixed up here? Well, no matter. Today is Friday Poll and today is my time to shine.  Why is that you ask? Well let me tell you.  Today's Friday Poll is about.....Zombies!  Not just about zombies but the best way to take out a zombie out.  To be specific, what is the best weapon against the zombie hoards.

This topic is near and dear to my heart.  I've had this conversation many times with many people.  Planning escape routes from my home and work.  What I've realized is that I put way too much thought into zombie disposal but today that's a good thing.  I think its best to go through each weapon and list the pros and cons.  I'm going to try to leave my bias out as I have very clear opinions as to which weapon is the best.  So I'm gonna give a quick overview of each weapon and let you decide, that is the point of Friday Poll after all. 

There are two types of guns worth talking about here, the pistol/hand gun and rifle.  Both are somewhat easily accessible to the public and could be used in a zombie invasion.  Its tempting to say you would get a machine gun and mow down the hoards but really, where you gonna get that machine gun?

Pros: Handguns are lighter and smaller than a rifle.  They can easily take a zombie out with one well aimed shot.  Depending on the handgun, loading could be easy.  A handgun is well suited for close range combat.

Cons: While one shot can make quick work of a zombie, that shot must be on target.  I remember reading in the Zombies Survival Guide how a handgun might not be the best choice because aiming could be an issue.  I never had thought of that but its very true.  Most people don't shoot so its likely the first time you shoot at a zombie could be the first time you shoot at anything.  Your aim might be a problem.  Add in the fact that you're aiming at a moving target, moving toward you with mouth open moaning for your brain, and the chance of a well placed shot is slim.  Guns run out of bullets too and that is a big problem.  Finally, one of the biggest problems is noise.  Every time you shoot you're sending a beacon of brain to every zombie for miles.

-SemiAutomatic Rifle
Pros:  Much larger distance between you and the zombie.  Again, one well aimed shot can take down a zombie.  Loading not as much an issue because of distance.  The rifle shines if you need to clear out a zombie or two and move on quickly but that's probably the most you'll get out of it. 

Cons:  The rifle isn't going to help you in close range situations.  You would be better off with something else.  Again, the noise it creates will bring in other zombies so you cant use it if you plan on staying in an area.  If I remember correctly from the Zombie Survival Guide, a zombie can hear a pin drop a mile away.  As with the handgun, ammo will eventually become an issue as well as aiming.

Whats next? Ahhh yes, blades. 

Swords/Handheld Blades/Machetes

Swords & Handheld Blades
Pros & Cons: I love the sword as a zombie killing instrument.  No reloading and no need to find and carry ammo.  Depending on the type of sword, you can have a lightweight weapon that travels easy.  You will need to train somewhat to master the basics of using a sword.  While most people could pick up a sword and kill a zombie or two, the true test of a great zombie weapon is how well it would work in a hoard.  That's where some some swords fall short.  Yes, I know what you're thinking, in a hoard its best to run but you probably are gonna have to take out quite a few zombies along the way so which sword works the best for that?
In my opinion the Katana is the way to go.  The broadsword is going to be too heavy and daggers/handheld blades require extremely close combat.  I will agree that a dagger/handheld blade is a good backup weapon.  In a pinch it can be driven through a zombies eye killing it instantly.  But as a main weapon the Katana reigns supreme.  Its lightweight, sharp and Uma Thurman uses one and looks pretty bad ass in the Kill Bill movies.

Pros & Cons: Lets face it, a machete is never gonna do you wrong when fighting a zombie.  Its so classic, so brute force, so zombie killer.  You don't need skill, just strength.  Bring that machete down and crack a zombies skull open.  Realistically, if you are fighting a hoard you will get tired pretty quick but most likely you'd be running anyway.  Along the way a machete would help to quickly eliminate any zombie in the way.  I'm thinking you cant go wrong having a machete in your zombie fighting arsenal.

Pros & Cons: Why put these two weapons together?  Thats easy, they share a common function.  As much as these things are weapons, they are also tools.  That makes them extremely important.  The less you have to carry the better you are and both are light and easy to carry.  Each weapon will prove to be equally valuable as a tool and weapons.  You need to get past a locked gate or door, the crowbar or hatchet is your tool.  You need to take out a zombie at close range, the crowbar or hatchet is your weapon.  As with the machete, skill isnt involved her.  Brute force and strength guides these weapons.  The cons are simple.  Close range is a must and with zombies you wanna avoid close range at all costs.  Also, with any weapon of brute strength fatigue could become an issue. 

Cricket bats
Pros & Cons: In a pinch if a bat is all you have, fine grab it.  I'm not sure how viable this weapon is long term.  The amount of energy it would take to bash in a skull time and time again would quickly fatigue you.  The bat has no pointed edges for penetrating into the skull and zombie brain.  For that reason alone this weapon is flawed.  Your mindset should be quick kill and a bat doesn't give you that.  It also serves no other purpose so probably not the best weapon.  On the other hand though, it worked great for Shaun......

Pros: When you can, run! Rarely is there going to be a time when you should choose to engage a zombie rather than run.  If you can run, then do it.  While fighting a single zombie 5, 10, 15 more could come out of nowhere.  Also, there is no reason wasting energy or resources in a pointless fight.  There may come a time when reclaiming an area where a group clears zombies out but that would be a carefully planned group effort.  Much different than individual survival.


Pros & Cons: The crossbow can be a great weapon.  Like the rifle, it's a sniper's weapon.  Unlike the rifle, its silent.  Modern crossbows can be deadly accurate from long range with no more practice than the rifle.  Reloading takes time but that's not as important as you would would be a good distance away from your targets.  The downfall of the crossbow is its size and weight.  Not as practical as the rifle for travel.

Shaolin Spade
Pros & Cons: This weapon can be great for zombie disposal.  Its long which allows you to keep distance between you and the zombie and has a razor sharp edges at each end.  You can easily destroy a zombie brain from a distance.  The major problem is the size.  In close combat with many zombies this weapon could become a burden.  Travel might also be difficult due to the weapons size.

Cons: Chainsaws have a limited supply of power, gas runs out quick.  Also, the amount of noise made by the chainsaw would bring in zombies from all over. Oh yeah, they're freaking heavy too.  So unless you're Good or Bad Ash, stay away from the chainsaw.

So there you go.  That covers a pretty good amount of weapons, I know there are tons more but its a good list.  Now you are somewhat informed, make your choice.  Whats it gonna be? A gun? Blade? Chainsaw?  Pick carefully because you never know when this will be behind you!

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