Saturday, March 5, 2011

Birthday Loot - Pictures of the Day - March 5th

Ok, its 11:35 as I'm writing this so its still March 5th.  Yes, it's late, very late.  I almost forgot to get a picture up today.  Why you ask? Well, today was my 4 year old daughters birthday party.  Things were busy in the morning and I never got a picture up.  I thought about just posting a video early in the day just to make it easy but I decided against that.  When I do post a video its because that song is genuinely on my mind.  It reflects how I'm feeling that day.  I didn't want to take the easy way out, but I forgot until just now.  Sooooo, what to post? Should I post a picture of my  daughter? No, I did that on Tuesday, her actual birthday.  Some of the awesome food we had today? Nah, I've done that and will do it again.  I love food.

So what then? Ah ha! The loot!

How Freaking cute are these?

The Chief: So there you go. You have the loot, now its up to you to get the warrant and then make the arrest.  I guess the only question you have left is....Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego?

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